Rick and Morty TV Series Seasons 1-4 DVD Set

Rick and Morty TV Series Seasons 1-4 DVD Set
Includes every episode from all 4 seasons on DVD!
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This item is in regular DVD format
Rick And Morty Seasons 1-4 is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom that follows the exploits of a super scientist and his not so bright grandson. They explore the infinite universes together, causing mayhem and running into trouble. Rick is a genius alcoholic and careless scientist, and his grandson Morty is a 14-year-old anxious boy who is not so smart, but always tries to lead his grandfather with his own moral compass. Explore their insanity and all the chaos the universe throws at them, with his DVD set.
Closed Captions and Details
Audio Language: English
Subtitles: English
Format: Anamorphic Widescreen (No black bars on the top/bottom)
Region Code: Region 1 (Plays in the USA and Canada)
Disc Format: Regular DVD
Condition: Brand New and Sealed
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